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Verwekt, eerste baby in Spanje d.m.v. EmbryoScope

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Conceived in Valencia the first child of the bass World Chambers

The IVI presents an incubator that follows second by second emerge from the embryo

Anne and David, John, the first baby of the world selected with the EmbryoScope, an incubator that allows you to observe embryo from the moment of in vitro fertilization until their transfer to the uterus, parents today told the story of there son, born in Valencia on 4 June at a press conference. EFE / Juan Carlos Cardenas

VALENCIA the Valencian Institute of infertility (IVI) will be released today the first baby of the world that has been selected with the "EmbryoScope", an incubator that allows you to observe embryo from the moment in which the eggs are in vitro fertilised with the sperm until the right is transferred to the mother's womb. I.e., an edition of big brother dating back to the origin of human life.

The boy, that is called John and was born on June 4, will be presented today to journalists by his parents, who will have their experience. In attendance will be attended by Chairman and founder of IVI, José Remohí, the gynaecologist couple, Carmina Vidal, and biologist mark Meseguer, who will provide the technical details of the procedure and assessed the relevance of the use of the technique.

The IVI is the first centre in the world that works with the "EmbryoScope", this advanced incubator that studies "second by second" the chronology of the embryonic analyzing images Division.

One of the biggest challenges in assisted reproduction techniques is to find methods that allow a substantial improvement in the results of the embryonic implantation and to also help remove the stigma of multiple pregnancies in in vitro fertilization.

Non-invasive markers

Key in the achievement of such improvement, as reported sources of the IVI "resides in find bookmarks embryonic noninvasive associated with the capacity of implantation of embryos", and here is where the EmbryoScope will bring about a significant improvement, added.

This peculiar incubator has been designed by the Danish company Unisense and addition to perfect the technique of in vitro fertilization, allows discovering new features in the development of the embryo in the incubator, since you can also determine oxygen consumed of be fertilized oocyte.

Increase the rate of pregnancy

The IVI specialists have indicated that there are differences in the egg that will help to select those with greater chance of success, which are those who breathe better breathing.

IVI presented at 26TH Congress of the European society of assisted reproduction, which was held at the end of June in Rome, new embryo selection methods for increasing the rate of pregnancy in more than 20%.

One of the following was known to the scientific community was "EmbryoScope", a revolutionary incubator that improves the embryo selection and which has been key in one of the works to discover new aspects of ova and embryos.

To learn about the effectiveness of this new technique, the IVI researchers studied the moment 1.643 embryos from 158 couples Division. Among other findings, this incubator has determined divided first between 25 and 29 hours since their IVF embryos to achieve higher rates of success in transfers.

42% Implantation rate

"Up to carry out this study thought that divided first early embryos were optimal for transfer, however in this research, the EmbryoScope has allowed us to go further and determine that embryos that launch their cell division for the first time before or after the range 25-29 hours have a rate of less than 15% versus 42% achieved in that time slot controlled by the incubator implantation" stated Marco Meseguer, embryologist IVI upon showing the result of this research work at the Congress.

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